How it all Started

I started my career as a police officer in 2015. I was excited to help people when they were in the most trouble. As I started to work the job, I realized how the job stress can change an officer's perspective of life, their mood, and overall health. I used exercise and nutrition as my stress relief, but I saw how many officers neglected their lifestyle fitness health.

In January 2020, my department had its annual Use of Force training. Our training officer, who was a part of the Peer Support Team, showed us two statistics that took me by surprise. In 2019, there were 151 line of duty deaths; ranging from gunfire, automobile crashes, struck by vehicles, and heart attacks. In that same year, there were 239 "reported" suicides. Reported is in quotes because the number could be much higher, but suicides may go unreported to avoid the stigma that surrounds suicide. Officers train their entire careers to avoid being killed on duty; yet an officer is more likely to take their own life.

Law Enforcement Officers also lead most profession statistics with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, sleep deprivation, obesity, PTSD, and divorce.

With the increasing challenges from a lack of social support, negative media attention, and political changes, I feared the statistics surrounding an officer's well-being would only worsen. I knew from my personal experience that not only a healthy lifestyle fitness can help my physical health, but more importantly my mental and emotional health. I have a passion for fitness and I wanted to share my passion with a profession that I respect and admire the most.



  • Associates of Applied Science in Personal Training
  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • StrongFirst SFG (Kettlebell) and SFL (Barbell) certified
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification
  • US Army Master Fitness Trainer (MFT)
  • #1 husband (at least my wife tells me so)
  • Military Police Sergeant in the Minnesota Army National Guard
  • Hobbies: weight training (obviously), hiking, motorcycling, snowboarding, self development podcasts and books


For more information, you can email me at

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